We began our service to the universal catholic church as Mary’s Ministries, founded by Reyes Maria and Estela Ruiz. After the prayers of the Patriarch and conversion of his family, they committed to the work of the Blessed Virgin Mary in December of 1988, evangelizing all who desire, to the Love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Holy Trinity, and Immaculate Heart of Mary. Reyes and Estela traveled extensively preaching the Good News of God’s love throughout the world. During their travels they discovered the great need to share God’s love to all who listened and opened their hearts. At that time Mary’s Ministries began its work of international evangelization using a kerygmatic approach in 1994, in response to the call of Pope John Paul II to evangelize the world into the new millennium. Mary’s Ministries began working together with Father Tom Forrest, who was assigned to New Evangelization beginning in 1992. At the urging of Pope John Paul II through Evangelization 2000, the Ruiz family responded to the call to go out unto the ends of the earth to share with others the greatness of God’s love and began its international work of Mary’s Ministries.
Following the tradition of the Founders Reyes Maria and Estela Ruiz, the fundamental aim of Mary’s Ministries is to walk with all who desire to become saints, inspiring them to a new life with Christ by awakening the faith. Mary’s Ministries International, partners with and supports called communities throughout the world to encourage them to be builders like Saint Peter who build new faith-based small businesses that feed the body and community. More importantly, we build leaders like Saint Paul who build evangelization projects that feed the spirit, by leading us towards a missionary life as a disciple of Christ, spreading the message of God’s love through the Gospel.
Using the Gospel, Mary’s Ministries renews in families a call to holiness by bringing together the diverse talents of the lay faithful with the clergy and religious, into a unified community working together for the conversion of souls. Our mission is to support catholic evangelization projects that teach people to live the gospel through faith and action, multiply new leaders, and communicate the Good News to reliable people through effective evangelization projects. We do this by working to develop Catholic New Evangelization projects, providing English, Spanish, and Multilingual Conferences, Retreats, Courses, Media, and Seminars in addition to identifying and preparing new leaders. It is a priority for Mary’s Ministries to promote priestly vocations and encourage others towards a sacramental life.
Our evangelization mission is to support and partner with communities, called throughout the world to inspire them to spread the message of God’s love through the Gospel. The methodology involves awakening, inspiring, and forming groups of leaders who form new leaders in Catholic Parishes and their diocese. This training begins with teaching and implementing Mary’s Ministries methodology of evangelization. Mary’s Ministries effort consists of forming lay Catholic Leadership, inspiring youth to vocations, and more importantly seeking commitment to follow a Path to Sanctity, living a Disciplined Life, leading as many souls to desire to work to became saints to lead others into heaven.